30 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi





In Bosnian Cuisine meat,patty,creamy dishes are very popular.There are lots of kinds of tasty,unique and traditional dishes.The best knowns are Bosanska Pita (the Bosnian patty), masanica, ,grušavnik, uštipka, jagneće (spit roasted lamb), ćevap, bürjan, dry meat, ovčavina, baranija, kupus salata, šopska salata, tufahije, trileçe, tulumba, Bosnian walnut baklava and hadjimakule.

The Best Knowns       
I would really love to introduce all these unique flavors to you. Read, eat and enjoy! Here are the most popular ones:                                           

                                                    Bosanska Pita (the Bosnian Patty)        

 The dough of Bosanska Pita (the Bosnian Patty) is made with salt, flour, olive oil  andinside it a mixture of spinach, cheese, egg, yoghurt, salt, olive oil  and butter is put. First the dough is prepared. Flour, olive oil and salt are mixed together and the doughis kneaded. Then it is rested for one hour. After that, the dough is rolled out using themixture of oil and butter on a round table. The dough must be as thin as possible amust not be torn while it is rolled out. 

Then the mixture of spinach, cheese, egg, yoghurt, salt, oil and butter is put on the rolled out dough like a circle. After that this mixture is covered with dough and the dough is rolled until it is formed into a circle. Then this is placed on a metal tray as it looks at the image. Finally, the patty is put into an oven and after 45 minutes it is ready to eat!


                                                                        Suho Meso (Dry Meat)

Dry meat is a kind of traditional pastrami. It really takes so much time to prepare it. First raw beef meat is cut in long, thin pieces. Then those pieces are salted and stay in salt for 72 hours. Then pieces of salted meat are hung to the ceiling and a fire which gives a lot of smoke is lighted beneath the hung meat. For approximately 10 days this fire must be burnt. Then after 10 days it is ready to eat!



Ovčavina is usually eaten at breakfast. It is made with yellow hot peppers, cheese, cream, salt and milk. First, salt is put into yellow hot peppers and peppers stay salty for a while. Then, peppers are washed and the mixture which is put into peppers is prepared. Cheese, cream and salt are mixed together and put into pepers. Then, those peppers are put in a jar and rest of the mixture is poured onto the peppers into the jar after milk is added into it. It is kept in the fridge for 15 days and finally it is ready to eat!



Tufahije is a traditional Bosnian dessert which is originated from Persia and was introduced to people in Balkans in Ottomanic Era. The word “tufahije” is originated from the Arabic word “tuffah” which means “apple”. It is made with apple, walnut and cream. First apples are stewed in water with sugar. Then those stewed apples are put in glass bowls, a special syrup is added and cream and walnut pieces are put on them. In the end, it is ready to eat!








     Turkish cuisine is the most

popular in the world. There are many

different meals. For example Sanlıurfa

kebab and Edirne ciger are very famous

in Turkey.


                                                           Turkish people love soup. In winter,   
                                                                              they usually drink soup. For example tarhana, 
                                                                              ezogelin, yoghurt soup. But for Turkish people, 
    Lentil soup is the most beautifull soup of all.




                                                             MEAT FOODS :
                                                      Meat is the most populer dish. Turkish people
  usually eat kebab. But, tourists’s favourite meat food is meatball. For example Akçaabat meatball, güveç chop…



  Turkish cuisine is very rich in vegetable foods.
   People’s favourite vegetable food is dolma. 
   Because, it is very tasty. Dolma is made with
   pepper and rice.



    PASTRY :

     Pastry is very beautifull food for Turkish         
people. It has many different regional caries. For 
example Diyarbakır lahmacun, Kayseri pasty,    Karadeniz pide etc.


    BEVERAGES :  There are so kind in beverages. For  
 exaple, boza, turnip, ayran and soda. But   for all people love Turkish coffee. Turkish    coffee fortune telling.

     Turkish desserts are the best dessert in the world.
Because, they are very delicious desserts. But, they
are very expensive. For example baklava is very
delicious but it is expensive. Because, baklava is
made from Antep peanuts.                                                    






Turkish cuisine is one of the cultural heritage of Turks 
who have played an important role in the beginning and
 development of the history of world civilization. Turkish
 cuisine which has affect many cultures and has been 
impressed by many cultures has got tousands of flavor. 
Breakfast meals, spicy or sauce dishes, desserts, food 
presentations... It is one of the world's leading cuisines.


Meals are very important in Turkish
 culture. People always have 
breakfast and dinner with their
 family. There are jam, honey, 
cheese, cheddar, egg, salad, 
tomate, butter, bread, tea etc for 
breakfast and soup, stew, salad, 
bread for dinner.

Let's talk about Turkish 

Kebab is first food that comes to mind when the topic is 
Turks or Turkey. You should taste lahmacun, Turkish 
ravioli with yoghurt and garlic sauce, rice wrapped in 
leaves… They are very delicious and not expensive.



Let's talk about a little about drinks!

We are lucky in this regard as a Turkish. Ayran which is 
prepared by the mixture of yoghurt and water is our 
national drink. Tea and Turkish coffee is indispensable 
of our friendly conversation. Somebody will offer Turkish 
delight near your coffee. Don’t forget to drink ancient 
boza (a fermented-bulgur drink )


   Finally,  I can start to talk 
about desserts. Baklava, 
this scrumptious syrup 
dessert is symbol of 
special days and religious 
holidays. Kadayif, 
sekerpare, lokma are 
delicious syrup desserts. If 
you want milk desserts, 
you should prefer rice 
pudding(sutlac), gullac, custard(muhallebi). They are 
exgui site desserts.          

  A word of advice from me.
If you come to Istanbul, you should eat one of the
 delicious dishes, drink a glass of ayran and than taste a 
dessert. After all of them you should drink a cup of 
Turkish coffee with great pleasure to the view of the 
Bosphorus Bridge.

Bon appetit!